Hank Wayne, W6NXS
  Name: Hank Wayne, W6NXS
Hank Wayne, W6NXS
Topic: Installation of Amateur Radios In To Vehicles
Location: Balboa Room
Date & Time: Sunday 11 - 11:50 AM
Hank Wayne, W6NXS , will present Installation of Amateur Radios In To Vehicles in the Balboa Room on Sunday 11 - 11:50 AM. Mobile Communications Equipment installations: Interfacing and Interoperability. From DC and AC power management and distribution to antenna systems- HF - 5Ghz. Transceivers, Amps, Data, 802.11g, APRS, GPS Navigation w/Mapping and of course, Unwanted Noise in our receivers. He has been installing radios and antennas professionally in ambulances, CDF Fire vehicles, Indian Casino Emergency Vehicles as well as Amateur Radio Operator Vehicles.




