Howard White, KY6LA
  Name: Howard White, KY6LA
Howard White, KY6LA
Topic: PRB-1 Know Your Antenna Rights
Location: Sierra Room
Date & Time: Friday 4 - 4:50 PM
Howard White, KY6LA is a professional engineer who has designed and built tower systems for public transit mobile vehicle monitoring systems around the world. After the 2003 San Diego Fires, it became obvious that he needed an antenna system that would work on 7233, The San Diego ARES Net and The Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network (SATERN) to provide needed communications to hard to reach areas. Howard went through a year of regulatory and engineering work with the City of San Diego before he was granted a building for an 85’ tower and 3 Element SteppIR MonstIR antenna in toni La Jolla, CA.

It was only after the Antenna was installed that the Nasty Neighbor Storm hit. Soon his street was festooned with “Antenna Be Gone” sign. The Nasty Neighbors enlisted two uninformed City Councilors who proposed banning Ham Antennas across San Diego. When the Nasty Neighbors heard that Howard’s antenna were used to save lives during Katrina, they complained that Howard’s permit only was for local emergencies and by saving those “Katrina’s” he violated the permit and should remove the tower.

Realizing that no single ham operator could win this fight on his own against such selfish self centered adversaries, Howard organized the San Diego Bioterrorism and Disaster Defense Council to help local politicians become aware of the value of Ham Radio Antennas to the Emergency Communications. Howard became part of the SANDARC Legislative Oversight Committee which set up a legal defense fund to protect Ham Radio in San Diego.. In the interim, although not a Lawyer, Howard became a local expert on PRB-1. In March, the Mayor of San Diego instructed City Council not to proceed with rewriting San Diego Antenna Ordinances.

This talk is about PRB-1 and how to use the law to protect you from Nasty Neighbors. It will cover PRB-1, what it means and how to use it. More important the talk will show you how to organize your local ham community so that you are not fighting alone for your rights. We have great strength in numbers if we learn to work together.


