DX Breakfast Bob Grimmick, N6OX
   DX Breakfast Speaker  
  Name: Bob Grimmick, N6OX
Bob Grimmick, N6OX
Topic: Peter I Island
Location: Cabrillo Room
Date & Time: Sunday, 8 AM

Imagine a spot on earth where fewer have walked than have flown in space, a frigid place where the ill equipped will not survive, a place where hundreds of feet of ice cover the rocky structure which lies below, a place shrouded with fog for days on end, a place where hurricane force winds are not uncommon. Our speaker, Bob, N6OX along with twenty other intrepid DXpeditioners spent three weeks there in February 2006. This is Peter I Island where the team completed thousands of QSOs from this isolated Antarctic island for DXers around the world. Come to the DX Breakfast and hear his fascinating story and learn about this fabulous DXpedition that was years in planning.




